About us
The idea
After 3 years of countless pumpsessions regardless of the weather , Martial came with shiny eyes and said to Laurent and Mickaël : "Guys I have an idea !" Several beers, after this crazy idea became the project to lauch an association to promote pumpfoil and give to futur pumpers the possibility to start from scratch as weel as to offer to experienced pumpfoiler a nice secure and chill spot to practice on . Pumpfoil pensier was born.
The association
Pumpfoil Pensier is a non-profit association with official statutes based in Pensier, Courtepin. The purpose is to facilitate the practice of pump foil
The comittee is composed of :
- Martial Beutler, president
- Laurent Spicher, vice-president
- Mickaël Rinaldo, treasurer.